Tech companies are going through major changes with their business and that has played a big part in the hiring slowdown.News 

Tech Giants Google, Meta, and Amazon Experience Decreased Tech Hiring in 2023

India’s recruitment situation takes a big hit when global companies want to slow down their operations. According to a recent ET report, hiring by tech companies in India was slower this year than in recent years, suggesting that the global scenario has directly affected them.

In fact, the report mentions that compared to 2022, the number of active jobs had dropped by 90 percent in 2023, which is a huge difference and speaks to how tech companies approach their hiring.

We’ve seen the likes of Google, Meta and even Amazon handing out pink slips in India this year, most of them due to performance issues, but most likely it’s to do with business restructuring and cost reduction. , which includes employees’ salaries. The bad news is that companies are keeping it low by hiring for future quarters through 2024.

And that’s not all, in the next few years, tech companies will plan their lives with artificial intelligence, which is already rumored to be in the plans for giants like Google, who may have to lay off up to 30,000 employees due to its changes. business.

Google is also currently testing artificial intelligence in its customer support service, which has a direct impact on the human side of the company’s operations. The company’s chief executive claimed: “It would have been a significant overshoot for the company. I think it would have made it very difficult in a year like this to build the capacity to invest in regions when the world has become so big.

But luckily, it’s not all doom and gloom for technicians looking for work in the country, because recruitment is happening, especially as their specialization matches the top job profiles that companies are eager to build and hire people for. People who are in the right profession may need to improve their skills to become a popular choice among big companies hiring over the next few quarters.

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